Project and Advisory Groups

     The Centre should be as diverse as survivors and 

abuse and recovery senerios


that there are many variables - some unrecorded

that there are many dimsensions which may intersect sometimes

    at certain points but not always.

Suggested Groups:

Child Protection

Mandatory Reporting including support for victimised Mandatory Reporters

Data collection and recording of  variables

recording survivors stories

tracking survivors journey - where requested  or agreed to

Development and provision of support for spouces, partners, families

                 of survivors.

LGBTI survivors   generally psychologists provide support to sexuality

Heterosexual survivors  - a paper to be written   complex issues

Survivors of clergy abuse and abuse in religous institutions

    a) who want nothing to do with clergy or religion

    b)  who find support from religous belief and practice and survivor sensitive non offending clergy

              Suggestion -  training of Chaplains, Clergy, and laity in trauma informed care for want of a better description.

development of mutual respect between a and b 

Interaction and discussion of issues between psychologists and clergy.






Research and Course development.

    in order for universities to roll out Masters Degrees and facilitate Post Grad research

there needs to be a body of knowledge, qualified lecturers, a course content etc

 It is suggested the Centre should undertake this roll

and to set standards for professionals to train to be sexual assault counsellors

     and trauma release therapists.

The Centre Should have:

Post Grad, Doctoral and Post Doctoral research with input from stakeholders

   particularly survivors needs and   feedback from past therapy and support

to produce a body of knowledge

and survivor sensitive course imput

for Post Grad - Masters Degrees to be offered by Universities

     Masters Degree in Sexual Assault Counselling.

           the Degree  should be at least 1-2 years full time by coursework and a Thesis

              it should be interdisciplinary

              it should be  neurophysiological

             an apreciation of professions survivors  go to for support or treatment.

       Entry  - graduates in psychology, social work, counselling, criminology 

     Diploma or Graduate Diploma  Courses  for  non Graduate counsellors 

    Diploma or Graduate Diploma courses for other professions who support survivors.

       Masters Degree in Trauma Release

    a two year full time or part time degree  one year coursework, one year thesis by research.

     inter disciplinary


      Graduate Diploma or Diploma Course

         for non graduate practioners  or Graduate Practioners without psychology or social work degrees.

  suitable for  non graduate counsellors


                       remedial massages


                      tapping  and or shaking   trauma release practioners.

                      non offending/ survivor sensitive  Clergy and religious practioners.

                              whilst  many survivors of clergy abuse are understandably vocal

                              accomodating their needs should not be to the exclusion of professional training of Clergy

                                           as many survivors look to Clergy for support. Some find being referred to other

                                                secular professionals as a compounding of abondonment and this ought to not be.

                                                it might be appropriate to have courses specifically designed for clergy.


           These courses should include at least one subject in

  • understanding the History and Philosophy of science and the scientific method
  • identifying  and incorporating new variables and researching an understanding
  • refering clienrts and interacting with other  professionals.

       It may be  that once Degrees in Trauma release are established  that Universities may offer specialised Degrees for trauma release in general with  optional subjects for :

     trauma release from traffic accidents and natural desasters

       trauma release for vererans

        other trauma


Advisory Groups  - there should be advisory groups with at least 50% survivor representation to evaluate couyrses

    of the 50% academics and representatives of professionals no more than 25% should be psychologists

     with at least one allied professional  and at least one GP representative.



 In response to the Australian Royal Commission into

the response of institutions to child sexual abuse

   stakeholders have been invited to participate in the process

for setting up the Centre

    This page constitutes my submission. It is on line to be accessable to

overseas stakeholders who may be looking at such an centre.

Proposals for an Australian National Centre

unfortunately the links are not working to

the following is a cut and paste

roposals - Australian National Centre

  Suggested Centre Format 

  • Child Protection Policies, procedures and  advisory capacity
  • Mandatory reporting obligations -
  • policy, legislaton, advice and support for Mandatory Reporters.
  • Support for victimised Mandatory Reporters.
  • activation of support for relevant survivors.
  • support for Child Protection Officers - training, accreditation.
  • support for family of Mandatory Reporters
  • support for survivors.

The Centre Should have:

Post Grad, Doctoral and Post Doctoral research with input from stakeholders

   particularly survivors needs and   feedback from past therapy and support

to produce a body of knowledge

and survivor sensitive course imput

for Post Grad - Masters Degrees to be offered by Universities

     Masters Degree in Sexual Assault Counselling.

           the Degree  should be at least 1-2 years full time by coursework and a Thesis

              it should be interdisciplinary

              it should be  neurophysiological

             an apreciation of professions survivors  go to for support or treatment.

       Entry  - graduates in psychology, social work, counselling, criminology 

     Diploma or Graduate Diploma  Courses  for  non Graduate counsellors 

    Diploma or Graduate Diploma courses for other professions who support survivors.

       Masters Degree in Trauma Release

    a two year full time or part time degree  one year coursework, one year thesis by research.

     inter disciplinary


      Graduate Diploma or Diploma Course

         for non graduate practioners  or Graduate Practioners without psychology or social work degrees.

  suitable for  non graduate counsellors


                       remedial massages


                      tapping  and or shaking   trauma release practioners.

                      non offending/ survivor sensitive  Clergy and religious practioners.

                              whilst  many survivors of clergy abuse are understandably vocal

                              accomodating their needs should not be to the exclusion of professional training of Clergy

                                           as many survivors look to Clergy for support. Some find being referred to other

                                                secular professionals as a compounding of abondonment and this ought to not be.

                                                it might be appropriate to have courses specifically designed for clergy.


           These courses should include at least one subject in

  • understanding the History and Philosophy of science and the scientific method
  • identifying  and incorporating new variables and researching an understanding
  • refering clienrts and interacting with other  professionals.

       It may be  that once Degrees in Trauma release are established  that Universities may offer specialised Degrees for trauma release in general with  optional subjects for :

     trauma release from traffic accidents and natural desasters

       trauma release for vererans

        other trauma


Advisory Groups  - there should be advisory groups with at least 50% survivor representation to evaluate couyrses

    of the 50% academics and representatives of professionals no more than 25% should be psychologists

     with at least one allied professional  and at least one GP representative.