Whilst survivors from csa are on a gradual , linear, journey or path of recovery which certainly has steps,
eg by 2000 I had written  out some steps of recovery as a ministry, for I am a Pastor.

I have found that along the way  there are issues, which surface in random ways which vary survivor to survivor.
like stones in a creek crossing,
where one goes from issue to issue,

I found that sometimes I need to leave one issue to resolve another issue
which is holding me back,
before returning to the issue at hand
or another issue
    The concept of a grid of issues may be of assistance to survivors.
I am developing this as a survivor, out of my experience.
Issues are listed randomly and should be accessed as they arise - not according to where an issue is on the list.


overcoming denial

Sexual Assault Counseling
in Australia our Major Hospitals have sexual assault units
manned by sexual assault counselors

Report the crime to the Police

Locating support

symptoms of csa

developing i
nner strength and resiiance

resolving the unresolved

breaking free



detraumatisation from csa

desexualisation (concept stage site)



abuser induced guilt (false guilt)

forgiveness ,
 and warnings of false forgiveness, premature forgiveness whilst  forgiving at the right time (eg after locating what happened)


trauma release
I have found some aspects of the following useful
though i personally prefer prayer to meditation etc.
eg The Book by David Berceli
I find his first chapter on shaking as a natural trauma release useful
but each survivor tends to have his or her own unique basis of selecting
what is benificial  and what we are comfortable with .

Peter Levine
and his Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute
he has written several books.

emotional self regulation

understanding the physiology of what happpened

   A Christian perspective from my experience as a survivor applying my belief that Jesus Christ is our answer, because the fundamental csa issue is the sin that was done against us. however this is a new application of theology, or rather necessitated developing a theology of  response to being sinned against
as against the theology of repentance from ones own sin.

Christian perspectives have their own issues  and recovery techniques
such as:
                                                          the structure of interlocking sites  facilitates individual
                                                              recovery processes. A survivor mentioned this to me
                                                              early in my recovery  it counters a tendancy to be prescriptive
                                                              when one needs to be adaptive.              
  • Pastoral Care
  • Applying the Scriptures
  • Gleaning insights from Messages during Sunday services
  • Jesus Christ fulfills Isaiah 61 - healing the broken hearted, setting the captives free
  • email:    nathan@menopeningheartstojesus.com








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